Surrender Heaven
An alien abductee is caught between two worlds as her personal struggle with PTSD collides with the implanted memories meant to soothe her.
- Type: Proof-of-Concept Short Film
- Year: 2017
- Runtime: 8 minutes
- Genre: Action, Drama
- Budget: $25,579
- Location: San Francisco
- Format/Camera: Digital (ARRI Alexa Mini)
Sonja wrote, directed, produced, and cast this film.
- Festival de Cannes: Court Métrage (Short Film Corner)
- Action on Film International Film Festival
- Action on Film International Film Festival
- Nominee: Rising Action Star (Female/Short) (Teri Reeves)
- Nominee: Best Action Short of the Year
- Nominee: Best Female Filmmaker
Highlight Scenes
Fiddle Band & Bar Ambience
"I just want to talk."
Fight Scene
Waking Up